Thanksgiving Message from the STC President
To Savannah Traffic Club Members and Friends,
I realize this is a bit late in coming however, my mother told me it’s never too late to say thank you. I guess it’s that time of year when we reflect back, realize the present and make plans for the future in both our personal and business lives. Thanksgiving is usually a time rich with traditions as we celebrate what is good and make plans to enjoy the company of the ones we care most about. My wish for you this year at Thanksgiving is that those times, with those folks will be the dreams of yesterday come true.
As a club, we have had a very busy and productive year and have lots to be thankful for. Looking back, The Savannah Traffic Club has hosted a number of pretty cool events. The Chassis Expo (which we’re thinking about doing again in the coming year) and the Annual Golf Tournament at Crosswinds that raised money for the Georgia Southern Scholarship Program were great opportunities for us all to learn a little more about our industry and have some fun while doing it. We joined in the Maritime After Hours networking socials at some of Savannah’s most outstanding establishments as well as slowed things down a bit and cooked for the families staying at Ronald McDonald House who had children in the hospital.
In September this last year, STC and the city of Savannah played host to the Transportation Clubs International Annual Conference with participants attending from as far away as Portland Oregon. We played golf at Savannah Harbors, partied at the Wild Wing Café, even spent an evening enjoying a Savannah Riverboat Cruise while getting a tour of the port from the river's perspective. Some of us have been given the opportunity to shake hands with some of the movers and shakers in our industry, as well as, gotten our pictures taken with Forrest Gump. I would have to say that from where I sit, we have had an overall outstanding and productive year as a service club.
I have heard many stories coming from the membership that being involved with the kinds of things the traffic club does has not only helped them meet others in our industry, but has also generated new opportunities for employment as well as generated customers and new business relationships. After all, isn’t that one of the main reasons we do what we do. Our Mission Statement says that in addition to the educational assistance we send to GSU, we hold various social functions to generate fellowship among its members. My congratulations and thank you goes out to all of you who have participated in those events.
Although we have had a very healthy year when it comes to events and fellowship, my heart is heavy and hurts for those among us that don’t have family close, for those whom have lost love ones, for the have family members fighting for our freedoms somewhere else in the world, or for those who are fighting an illness of some kind.
Since moving south from Ohio, one of the most incredible characteristics I have noticed in people that are involved in our transportation and logistics community here in Savannah, is that they care so much for each other. I know it sounds like a cliché, but it’s almost as if we were an extended family of some kind. Besides the fact that we all kind of know each other, I have never seen so many people who actually care and support each other’s lives the way we do. It’s in that spirit at Thanksgiving that I’m going to ask you all to do me a huge favor. Invite someone who’s alone over to share your dinner. Do something nice for a military family and never forget to pray for those around you who are hurting or sick.
As we celebrate our diversity during the Thanksgiving Holiday, let’s not forget the ones that need us the most. We love you, Irish, hang in there big guy, our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Happy Thanksgiving!