A Welcome Message from the STC President, Lee Smith
Hello and welcome Savannah Traffic Club Members,
Thanks for being a member of the Savannah Traffic Club (STC) Membership.
As a newly elected president, with your help, I hope to make STC a more valuable experience for you.
Coming soon, we'll be putting together some monthly events that will give everyone a reason to participate in growing the STC.
The Savannah area has grown tremendously since I moved to town in 2015. I can tell you the club type events I attended helped me personally get to know all the great people in our industry. I was told by past Savannah Traffic Club President Ben Goldberg when I first met him in 2015: “If you give back to the town, it will give you more than you need for your business.”
Today I am looking for all everyone to help expand our membership
for the purpose of our club:
1.) to establish business ethics among Savannah Traffic Club members.
2.) to effect fraternal and social relationships between STC members,
3.) to promote education programs and encourage
the free exchange of commerce,
4.) to promote the recognition of the importance of traffic and transportation
in the field of commerce and foster its upgrading in management ranks, and
5.) to disseminate information concerning commerce.
So let's all reach out and do our part to help grow the original purpose of the STC.
I am looking for committee volunteers for the following:
• Ways and Means Committee
• Program/Seminar Committee
• Membership Committee
• Finance Committee
• Publicity/Website Committee
• By Laws Committee
• Scholarship Committee
If you are interested in participating on any of these exciting committees, please send me an email (leesmith@outsourcelogistics.com) or call me at (229) 292-1528. I will also be reaching out to some of you that I know asking for your assistance. Please respond quickly.
Sneak peak of things to come: Oyster Roast, Golf Tournament, New Banquet Event and monthly game events for everyone.
We will all have fun, benefit our industry, build new relationships, and grow the Savannah Traffic Club membership to be a positive impact for our community.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve,
Lee M. Smith, President STC
P: (229) 292-1528
E: leesmith@outsourcelogistics.com