STC 2009 Golf Classic a Huge Success
On May 8, 2009, 94 players hit the greens at The Crosswinds Golf Club in a four-man scramble format to play for the STC Golf Classic to raise money for the Savannah Traffic Scholarship Fund.
The G & P Trucking team of Todd Womble, Steve McCourt, Dash Lane and Bobby Phillips took first place with a team score of 53. The OST Trucking team of Mike McCord, Gretchen Wyatt, Jim Simmons and Bob Pettigrew came in second with a team score of 54. TheCrescent Towing team of Hays Clark, Dewayne Penbertny, Charlie Johnson and Tommy Brown took third place with a team score of 55.
The longest drive winner for the men was Ron Bowyer. The longest drive winner for the women was Gretchen Wyatt. Closest to the pin winners were Bob Bonner on Hole 2, Billy Robinson on Hole 5, Terry Bertoch on Hole 7, and Brandon John on Hole 12. Barry Brennan was the winner of the closet to the pin match. We will have to say better luck next year for the hole-in-won prize of a Harley Davidson XR1200 Motorcycle. A great big "THANK YOU" to all of the sponsors for this event.