Business Spotlight: Georgia Ports Authority & Garden City Terminal
The Savannah Traffic Club presents a Business Spotlight of the Georgia Ports Authority-Garden City Terminal on Thursday, June 18, 2015 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. The Bar-be-cue dinner from Babe's will be served from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Come learn about and tour GPA's Garden City Terminal, the 4th busiest container port in the United States and the busiest single terminal container facility in North America. See how ships are leaded and unleaded and the intricate workings of this 1,200-acre Port.
Tours will begin around 4:30 p.m. and every hour after. The bar-be-cue meal will be served at the Annex 2 Building (100 Main Street, the old City Hall Building) from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.. Drop by at your leisure. Catch a tour and then enjoy your meal or you may enjoy the delicious bar-be-cue meals from Babe's and then enjoy the GPA tour.
In addition, learn more about the Savannah Traffic Club: its mission, the scholarships available and the charities who benefit from their work.
Take advantage of a special STC membership rate during this event and a chance to win a prize with a first-time membership with payment during this event.
The Business Spotlight tour and meal is $25 if registered and paid in advance of this event. An I.D. badge is required for security reasons to participate in the Port tour; therefore, it is important that you register no later than 24 hours before the event.
We are sure that you will enjoy the tour, learn numerous facts about Georgia Port Authority, as well as, important facts about the Savannah Traffic Club and, let's not forget, the well-known bar-be-cue dinner from Babe's.
Don't hesitate, go ahead and register today!